Ron Karr (Semblanza)

Discover How Ron Karr Can Dramatically Improve Your Market Share, Sales, and Enthusiasm.`What do you do when you lose a deal, your competition is flying past you, and there is a downturn in the economy? OR, what if you are at the top of your game and having a great season, but are always wondering if your competition will stay in your rearview mirror? Do you just hang up the towel and wait for the season to play out? Not Ron Karr. 

When Ron walks into the room you know the stakes are going to be raised, problems are going to get solved, and game-changing results are going to ensue. He’s the expert companies call on to elevate bottom-line profits, reposition their brand, and dramatically improve sales. There is no bad season when Ron is playing on your team, only chances that are yet to be taken and moments ready to be seized. He’s a master of creating value when under price pressure, competing in a very crowded space, and seizing opportunities when core markets are declining. 

He is revolutionizing the way high-growth companies IMPACT their markets. Ron has managed to generate three-quarter of a billion dollars in incremental revenues for his clients, reach 200K+ people worldwide, taps into 36+ years’ sales and leadership experience, and has spoken on six continents, 20 countries worldwide. Karr doesn’t just think outside of the box, he helps you build a new and better one. He has extensive expertise in creating monetization/growth strategies, building award-winning teams, and providing strategic leadership within high-growth companies to global Fortune 500 firms. His innovative Karr IMPACT! System™ has become the go-to method to staying five steps ahead of the competition, creating value and potential in unexplored situations, and driving IMPACTFUL change.

As a highly sought after international speaker, his bold methodologies unite two insights: advanced expertise on the psychology of what drives customer behavior and the importance of Social and Emotional Intelligence when expanding business across new and existing markets. He puts it simply, “You can have all the skills but, if you don’t have people believing and trusting you and your message, you aren’t going to get them to go out and do anything different.” Already leaving an impressive legacy, Ron has worked with industry leaders from companies such as YPO, Hertz, UPS, Agfa, United Natural Foods, and Marriott Hotels, been published in over 250 national magazines, interviewed on hundreds of radio stations (Wall Street Business Report, ABC News Radio) and has appeared on Fox News, CBS Morning Show, BBC, Bloomberg TV, and C-Suite TV. He is the author of four books, including the CEO best-selling title, “Lead, Sell, or Get Out of the Way.” 

Having Ron by your side is like hiring a target-seeking missile that won’t quit till the goal is surpassed. His passion, tenacity, and genuine love for others is fueled by his desire to help others succeed. From one standing ovation to the next, Ron is nowhere close to being finished. He is driven to help others achieve significant results and positively IMPACT the world around them.