Terry Brock (Conferencias)

Description: Some say that the Blockchain is going to change the world more than the Internet did. That’s hard to imagine, but when you think about how the Blockchain can affect money, contracts, financial instruments, and all sorts of business transactions, you begin to believe that might be true. The Blockchain is more than just a way to use digital currencies like Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Ethereum, and others. Organizations around the world are using this currency and adapting successfully to what it offers for serious business. In this high-energy, entertaining, and information-rich presentation, Terry Brock shows what the Blockchain is about, how it can be used, and practical, nitty-gritty examples of making it work for you and your organization.
Topics Covered Include:

How the Blockchain is disrupting finance even more than Uber, Airbnb, Netflix, and other digital solutions

What the Blockchain is and what is being done with it for increased sales and productivity

How digital currencies like Bitcoin work and what potential they hold for business

Benefits of the Blockchain beyond digital currencies alone
The challenges with Bitcoin now and how it is affecting the price and stability of using Bitcoin today and in the future

Other alternatives to Bitcoin including Dash, Ethereum, Monero and more

Description: Social Media cannot be ignored. It is taking our world by storm — and affecting business leaders in a profound way. No, you can’t stick your head in the sand and ignore it. However, for those who understand it and embrace what it can do, they will profit from it.

In this power-packed session you will learn about “The Big Five” of Social Media – Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn and Google+. In this session you’ll hear about each of these for business applications to get serious results in business.

In addition to Social Media, you’re going to get an inside peek at some powerful mobile technology tools like Smartphones, iPads and Portable Computers that can help you do the job from anywhere at anytime. Having the right tools and knowing how to use them give you a strong, competitive advantage in today’s highly competitive world.

Your questions are not only welcome in this session, but desired! Bring your toughest, real-world questions and let’s learn together. This session is designed to give you real-world answers in two key areas today — Social Media, and Portable Technologies for business results. Get ready to take a lot of notes and come away with some useful, practical ideas you can implement immediately.

Description: Are you confused about social media, technology and all the flurry of activity that is going on in this crazy world?  Learn what business leaders in the US and around the world are doing to leverage technology and social media to gain a competitive advantage.  Discover new tools that can help you achieve your goals in this or any economy.
Topics To Be Covered Include:

How companies are using Social Media to get more business right now.

What role your Facebook Page will play in generating business (you don’t have one yet???  You better be in this session!) What smart companies are doing now with this tool.

Tools for saving time in Social Media – be more effective and get the results your need.

What top leaders are doing with Social Media now to get business —- different from before!

Skype – the hidden benefits that companies are getting from using this ubiquitous communication tool.
Portable Technology – Is it iPhone, Android, Blackberry or something else?  What about the iPad or other tablets? Where the world is going and what you need to know to gain a competitive advantage.

Find out about how Social Media is being used for serious business today. Terry shares from his experiences with Skype and AT&T where he was the Chief Enterprise Blogger for Skype! AT&T asked him to be Editor-in-Chief for their top-rated business blog. In both positions Terry helped to leverage social media tools to increase business results. Discover the secrets that work in today’s fast-paced culture in this session.

Relationship Marketing – IT’s NOT about E-Commerce (The Electronics); It’s about R-Commerce (Relationships)
Description: Relationship Marketing is about connecting with clients and making sure they stay with you for more than price.  In this program Terry  will address specific needs that buyers  have and show you how to take your business to the next level.

Your host, Terry Brock, is an internationally known professional speaker who has worked with many businesses in 35 countries.  As a professional who travels extensively, he knows the issues and concerns your clients are facing.  His entertaining, information-packed style will be a delight for you.

Topics To Be Covered Include:

What Relationship Marketing is all about and how it applies in business today

How the world is different today for businesses and where our focus has to be to succeed.

How to think about customer service and the real metaphor that works — Not what you’ve heard before!
Tools which can help you today to get more done in less time

How social media will play into all this.
Must-have marketing ideas for today’s world.
How “Cloud Computing” can help you save money, be more productive and alleviate headaches for you.
Innovative ideas that successful people use to earn and keep new customers

This is a fun, information-rich, practical approach to marketing and how Relationship Marketing can help you.   In addition to the above material you’ll also have the opportunity to ask Terry questions and get real-world, practical answers.