Alexandra is the Founder and Owner of Awaken Inner Courage, Leadership Solutions LLC. Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist, Transformation, and Mindset Coach. Alexandra’s mission and passion is to teach people practical tools that will help them grow from a space of stagnation and being overwhelmed to one of peace and purpose.
She also acts as a liaison between management and employees to help navigate critical changes that impact corporations. Alexandra is a Certified Coach for the The C.I.J. Culture Catalyst program. A proven, transformation, self-discovery, state-of-the-art methodology that originated from a Stanford University Master’s Degree program “Creativity in Business”, by Dr. Michael Ray. Over the years this course is considered to be the most transformative life & business course ever taught at Stanford.
Prior to this journey Alexandra dedicated 23 years to the world renowed, iconic hospitality brand The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, Held positions as a Corporate Director of Culture Transformation, while delivering consulting services to Fortune 500 companies, and delivered keynote presentations to over 10,000 leaders globally. She also held positions in Corporate Learning & Development, Performance Development and Quality Management; where she played an active role in the company achieving The Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award in 1999.
Alexandra has contributed to the top-down build-out and strategic design of leadership development, customer experience, and talent management programs across a globally diverse network of people, processes, and services.
Certifications and Accreditations: – C.I.J Culture Catalyst Certified and Licensed Coach – JG Enterprises, LLC/Stanford University -Certified Hospitality Trainer – The American Lodging and Educational Institute -Steering committee member for the Customer Experience Certificate Program at The University of South Florida, and has completed the Executive Leadership Development Program from Florida International University

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