After decades in marketing communications roles around the globe, David Allison’s pioneering Valuegraphics research changes the way you see the world, and uses big data to prove the most effective methods for motivating your audience and stakeholder groups. Valuegraphics is the first big data tool that can detect what a target audience really wants, and what messages will motivate them most. It analyzes 75,000 surveys about shared values, wants, needs and expectations from North America, 20,000 from China, and the remainder of the world coming onstream soon.
For every speech or workshop, David will use this proprietary database to create a Custom Valuegraphics Profile for a target audience your organization or industry would like to influence more effectively. He will reveal these bespoke research results on stage,and provide statistically accurate insights for attendees to use to their immediate competitive advantage.
David is an accomplished keynote speaker at conferences across North America and has lectured at SFU, UBC, and BCIT. He also taught a full-slate of undergraduate and graduate marketing courses at the University of Calgary School of Business. He has won many accolades and awards, written three books on various market-motivation techniques, and was one of the first to recognize how social media would change the relationship between consumers and companies; publishing his first book, Sell the Truth, to help marketers gain an early advantage. His new book on Valuegraphics, We Are All The Same Age Now, provides the first big data response to post-demographic audience profiles for Canada and the USA.

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