Erica is Executive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer of The Future Hunters, one of the world’s leading futurist consulting firms. She evaluates emerging social, technological, economic, political, demographic and environmental trends – identifies the strategic implications (the “So what?”) of those trends for several of themost influential Fortune 500 companies, trade associations and public sector clients.
Erica’s ability to identify patterns, think critically and analytically, and translate that into actionable strategies is what has made her an invaluable asset to clients.
Erica frequently speaks to a wide range of global audiences about trends that are shaping the landscape today, and has keynoted several large industry conferences.
She has also authored numerous articles, book chapters, and industry white paperson cutting-edge, future-focused topics. A frequent columnist and blogger, Erica is recognized in the industry as having a unique, innovative and fresh perspective.
Erica currently serves as a Board member on the Career Advisory Board presented by DeVry University. She was also chosen as one of the first Susan Schiffer Stautberg Leadership Foundation Fellows, and was recently awarded 2016 Entrepreneur of the Year by Fashion Group International. For four years, she also served as Chair of the Adjunct Board of Directors for Think Quest NYC, an organization that brought technology to underserved New York City students.

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