Patch Adams, M.D, is a physician who is the founder and director of Gesundheit Institute, a free health facility in operation for the past 25 years. It is the only health facility in the U.S. addressing four major issues in health care delivery by action. Those issues include the rising cost of care, dehumanization of medicine, malpractice suits and the abuses of the third party system. His distinctiveness and universal appeal led to the development of a movie starring Robin Williams in the title role, exemplifying Dr. Adams’ unusual methods of a typically uniform career. As a speaker, Dr. Adams travels around the world lecturing on his work and doing theater shows about various aspects of health, particularly dealing with self-care and preservation. He is enthusiastic, perceptive, and a humorous person.
Some examples of presentations that have gained Dr. Adams notoriety are: «The Gesundheit Institute: Medicine for Fun, not for Funds», «The Joy of Caring», «How to be Nutty”, «Magic Elixirs of Life» presentation, «Holding your Dreams in Community» workshop, «Happiness/Joy»; and «Wellness”, «Poetry and Medicine».
Dr. Adams discusses «Self Esteem» with the intent to open the door for each person to feel, in a palpable way, their own greatness; «Laughter Meditation» and «Fun Death» both pair up Adams with friends to create a hilarious program of anything can happen next.
Dr. Adams has been successful at relaying formal and informal exchanges on many aspects of health care, laughter, citizen diplomacy, communal living, medical consequences of nuclear war and the many connections between art and medicine. Evaluations from previous performances and workshops are available for review. His alternative methods of wellness have made his contributions to the medical community unique and his talents cannot be matched.

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